TrueAchievements Reviews

  • FarmYardGaming1FarmYardGaming1177,541
    15 Jul 2023
    0 0 0
    Much like the other review here, I was also taken aback to see TA's app on the store. I'd always searched for help while highlighting an achievement in the guide, then navigated to the site manually. The convenience of achievement solutions in an app... So how's the experience?

    Well, if you were ever familiar with apps having achievements (like YouTube, a long time ago), this one does too. It'd be a cardinal sin if it didn't. You'll be blessed with exactly zero Gamerscore once you open the app and presented with a myriad of options - viewing your game collection, recently played games, a friend feed, gaming sessions and milestones to show off your gaming history to the occupants of your living room.

    Each tab you enter is decently packaged for an Xbox app that could've been left as a shoddy afterthought, everything works as you'd expect. Games showcase any available solutions for individual achievements and highlight whether you've won them or not for ease of use. You can even vote on them (and you most definitely will if you want another achievement or two):
    TrueAchievementsUp, Up, Down, Down...The Up, Up, Down, Down... achievement in TrueAchievements worth 0 pointsVote on an achievement solution

    TrueAchievementsOpinionatedThe Opinionated achievement in TrueAchievements worth 0 pointsVote on 10 solutions

    TrueAchievementsFingers and ThumbsThe Fingers and Thumbs achievement in TrueAchievements worth 0 pointsVote on 25 solutions

    and you get some healthy metrics to go with it, like completion percentage and score graphs.

    The app does lack in some more niche features, such as status updates, full game walkthroughs, notifications and forums (though I doubt many would use all those features heavily), and a few have reported that achievements are sometimes buggy (ironic for an app about achievements). The slow-moving transitions aren't an eyesore by any means, but it does get in the way of quick navigation slightly.

    In all, think of this as a quick supplement to the full experience. This replaces the 'Search for help' button with 'Search TrueAchievements' in the guide and home, and that sort of symbolises what this is for - convenience. You don't have to wait for Half-Life 3 to launch before Microsoft Edge does, and you don't need to whip out your phone either. It's there when you need it.
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