My Friend Pedro Reviews

    12 Dec 2019
    16 1 5
    Let's set the scene. Imagine if Shadow Complex had a threesome with Max Payne and The Matrix. Chuck a banana with a face drawn on in the bed. Then spawns the lovechild that essentially combines the mixture of all three of these games together.

    My Friend Pedro is a successor to the original title which believe it or not was an Adobe Flash game in 2014. The game was that popular that the decision was made in 2015 to develop a full blown indie title of the game which would evolve and launch this year. A long four years down the line by developer DeadToast Entertainment and published by Devolver Digital. The game has been developed with the Unity engine which has served some successful titles such as Cuphead, Inside and Ori and the Blind Forest being amongst its portfolio.

    My Friend Pedro is essentially a score attack game but in a massively unique way. Its all about killing enemies and maintaining a multiplier whilst doing so but being brutally bad-ass whilst engaging in this gory mess. Whilst the soundtrack keeps your adrenalin high with its techno beats you can control your character by using slow-mo and bullet time to enage enemies by pulling off cool stunts like back flipping off a wall, swinging from a rope and crashing through a window whilst extending both arms and popping a bullet through bad guys either side of you. The beauty of the levels and the design of the game makes it possible to keep replaying as the outcome of how you played it out won’t always be exactly the same.

    There are hundreds of moments like this and it left me grinning from ear to ear. It almost makes you feel like your binge watching a really good TV series as when you finish one level you want to see what different insanely fun moments you can have in the next. Whilst the game is fairly short at a four to six hour playthrough the mechanics stop the experience from becoming stale and leaves you wanting to play it more. At the end of the experience I often went back to play the levels I really enjoyed just to get that exhilirating “Matrix” feel.

    I don’t want my words to spoil the game and its flow for you so I will say that the game as it continues in throws new experiences and obstacles into the mix to make it more of a challenge. But in a fun way and the time doesn’t feel like a chore. Looking past the bullet time and the slo-mo the controls can be a little tricky to get the hang off on the first couple of levels and occasionally the animation of the game can be a little off but these are minor hiccups.

    Great fun was to be had with the small arsenal of weapons at your disposal and it never became mundane using them and trying different styles of gunplay. Either trying to pick off enemies at slightly longer range with an SMG or letting them stare down the barrell of your shotgun as you blow their brains out. But let us not forget if you fancy being Connor Mcgregor on a Friday night in an Irish pub full of blokes declining you whisky then of course you can use bare fists and your feet to melee thugs.

    If you’re looking at a story driven game then I would look straight past this one as you’re not going to get anything out of it that satisfies your mind if you get off on story based games. Your character is anonymous and doesn’t have a voice and you have a talking banana, yes you read that right. Who follows you’re every step and encourages you to do bad things. If you ever wanted to live as a schizophrenic for a few hours then you’ve found the game for you. Now the banana Pedro does crack some one liners and I will leave it to you the gamer to decide if they tickle you or you frown at the lameness.

    Story aside this does not spoil what is an absolute enjoyable journey of carnage and mayhem which leaves you both satisfied and wanting more. There are cutscenes throughout the game but they are very brief and won’t get in the way of you wanting to just crack on and flip some more. There unfortunately is no multiplayer aspect in this title but to be honest it doesn’t really require it. There are however high score leaderboards if you love to partake in being top dog and getting the best times and scores. If this is you then you’ll extend your longetivity that you may even develop schizophrenia from a banana and you might dodge the fruit and veg aisle next time you’re in Asda (Walmart for you Americans).
    The one aspect that could have improved the game would have been some sort of cosmetics or unlocks for completing and hitting the acheivements. For you cheevo hunters all of them are very achieveable and you may need to run through a second time to bag some.

    Graphically this game is sound and performs well with everything going on at once and the structure of the game fares well. For a 2D platformer you really don’t really note the graphical element as it engrosses you so much into what you’re actually doing

    Should you play this? Well if you’re on Xbox then at the time of writing its available on Xbox Game Pass so why you still reading? Why is it not even been played or downloaded yet? Seriously go and play it. I wouldn’t regret buying this title either its one of the best indie titles I have played and I would put it in the calibre of games like Inside, Limbo and Cuphead in that trophy cabinet of solid indie titles. And that is why I am ranking this an 8 out 10.
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    EverStoned771st of all, great review clap
    I personally rated it 9 of 10 but yeah that might be too generous but it's just so much fun hehe smile
    One thing though, I simply can't agree with For you cheevo hunters all of them are very achieveable since the
    My Friend PedroS for SenseiThe S for Sensei achievement in My Friend Pedro worth 2162 pointsGet S-rating on all levels
    currently sits at a 15.29 Ratio & merely 200 of the 50.000 players have managed to complete it but other than that a spot on review toast

    Oh, & a small mistake: (found in the 2nd last paragraph)
    For a 2D platformer you really don’t really note the graphical element

    I really think that really might be a really too much but really who really knows when it's really a really too much laugh
    Posted by EverStoned77 On 21 Jul 20 at 23:46
    One thing though, I simply can't agree with “For you cheevo hunters all of them are very achieveable” since the S for Sensei achievement currently sits at a 15.29 Ratio & merely 200 of the 50.000 players have managed to complete it
    Have 26 of the 40 S ranks rn, isn’t really that bad. There are some levels here and there where it’s kinda hard to keep a combo going in certain spots but otherwise it’s straightforward.
    Posted by ChiflaGoodluck On 18 Jan at 14:53
    EverStoned77Chifla well the fact that you found a 15ratio achievement easy has nothing to do with what the average gamer thinks & since my original comment it's now 500 out of 120.000, that might be what you call an easy achievement but I doubt many others will but hey we're all different thankfully & congrats on finally popping it clap
    Posted by EverStoned77 On 25 Jan at 04:41
  • MasterCrafty77MasterCrafty77183,497
    16 Mar 2022
    1 0 0
    I really enjoyed (most of) this game.

    It took me back to the good old days (showing my age) of Flashback and Another World. Great mechanics - good platforming and satisfying gunplay.

    I played all the way through to the final boss and after many MANY attempts gave up trying to beat it. It just seems too random and button mashy. I am sure I could git gud and beat it, but the final boss kinda took away a lot of enjoyment of the game for me.

    I love the acrobatic gun play, the level design, puzzle elements and that SHOTGUN! Super satisfying gun play.

    I picked it up, played for a few days, had some fun, kinda lost enjoyment in the final boss grind (despite looking up guides and trying to figure out patterns etc.)

    Worth a play - not one to persist at and replay for me.
  • TheBlackDeeshTheBlackDeesh418,387
    20 Jul 2023
    0 0 1

    -My Friend Pedro is a side-scroll shooter/platformer. You play as an un-named man who makes friends with a talking banana.
    -The story is simple, you basically destroy everyone in your path to get to the end of the levels. All because a talking banana convinced you to. An interesting concept, and honestly I wonder if there’s a subtle nod to the importance of taking care of your mental health hidden somewhere in this simple story.
    -The game is based on an adobe flash game released by AdultSwim in 2014, but they polished it up very well for gameplay on console and PC. You can feel the flash roots, but the mechanics are actually well done.


    -The simplicity of the game was refreshing. It takes 5 minutes to learn how to play this, and then it’s just a matter of overcoming obstacles and getting to the end of the game.
    -It’s funny. Just the concept of being friends with a sentient banana, but also occasional dialogue.


    -The 3 near-impossible achievements: “Wow”, “Brush your shoulders off” and “S for Sensei”. The total TA for those 3 achievements alone is currently 4,327 if that tells you anything. As of this posting, only 612 people in the world have done it, and props to you all.
    -Had I known getting S-Rank on these levels would require near-perfect gameplay, I wouldn’t have put this game on my Gamertag.


    -Storyline is Simple
    -Gameplay is Fun
    -Mechanics are Decent
    -Graphics are Good
    -It is nearly impossible

    Is it worth it?

    -Is the game worth the price? No
    -Is the game on game pass? It was, but I played it as it was leaving.
    -Is the grind worth the gamerscore? No
    -Easy completion? No
    -Would I play this game if it had no achievements? Sure, it’s a pretty fun game to just mess around with.

    TBD Score: 4.59
  • RedDeulistRedDeulist55,728
    08 Oct 2020
    0 2 0
    To read the whole article:

    My Friend Pedro is developed by DeadToast Entertainment and published by Devolver Digital. The game is out on PC, Xbox One, Switch, and PS4.
    DeadToast Entertainment is the sole effort of Victor Agren and is used as a brand for him to release his video games with. DeadToast Entertainment is not bound to any particular genre or platform and put a high value on creative freedom. DeadToast Entertainment began back in 2006 when Victor Agren needed a label to release his experimental Flash games under. After releasing several quirky and unusual titles DeadToast Entertainment slowly started to establish itself.
    DeadToast entertainment also has the game Nunchuck Charlie out.

    My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. The strategic use of split aiming, slow motion, and the old’ stylish window breach create one sensational action sequence after another in an explosive battle through the violent underworld.

    Unleash a torrent of destruction with an incredible level of control over both your weapons and your body. Twist and turn through the air while aiming both hands at priority threats or line up a perfect ricochet to drop an unsuspecting gangster from behind. For example, use barrels for some nice barrel rolling kills.

    The game has some settings available like button remapping and dpad mapping, you can also turn off the screen shake and the blood & gore if you prefer.

    To watch the trailer, check the video below
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