Serious Sam 4 (Windows) Reviews

  • TheBlackDeeshTheBlackDeesh418,387
    03 Aug 2023
    0 0 0 New

    -Serious Sam 4 is a stereotypical, alien invasion, 1st person shooter. You play as Sam Stone, a member of the Earth Defense Force, devoted to eradicating the alien horde.
    -I have never played any of the other Serious Sam games, but I understand that Serious Sam 4 is a prequel to the entire series, so not a bad place to start.
    -You have a vast array of weapons at your disposal, collecting them as you go along.
    -The story itself is basic, and corny at times, but I think it works perfectly with how over-the-top the game is in general.


    -There is a 3rd person camera option if you prefer it to 1st person.
    -Tourist difficulty, infinite ammo, and auto aim all make this a really easy completion. I didn’t know about the latter two before my first playthrough. I only learned about the menu options before starting the game for a second time on PC.


    -When switching weapons, the software often glitches, not allowing you to use the right stick for a few seconds, making it impossible to aim.
    -I also noticed while using the weapon wheel, that the weapon you’re switching from would inadvertently fire an extra round. Not a huge deal, especially if you’re running infinite ammo, but still very much glitched.


    -Storyline is cliched
    -Gameplay is basic
    -Mechanics are average
    -Graphics are good
    -It isn’t difficult

    Is it worth it?

    -Is the game worth the price? No.
    -Is the game on game pass? It was, but I played it as it was leaving.
    -Is the grind worth the gamerscore? Yes, and it stacks. 2 Playthroughs for 2000 GS.
    -Easy completion? For the most part.
    -Would I play this game if it had no achievements? Maybe for a level or two.

    TBD Score: 5.88
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