Escape Academy Reviews

  • Kinglink2Kinglink2283,996
    24 Jul 2022
    6 0 5
    The perfect game for Puzzle fans.

    Escape Academy has the player go to a magic Hogwarts-style school where every class is learning how to solve escape rooms and become a Master Escapist, and no that’s seriously the story here. The levels do have some variety, rather than a standard Escape room, you might be trying to assist someone on a video feed who is breaking someone out of jail, but in the end, it’s all about solving puzzles and exploring the space you’re in and it’s consistently solid in that.

    This brings the bad, and there’s one issue here, there are only a little over 10 levels, and the game takes about three hours. This is such a good game that it’s criminal how long it is. There’s not even a way to extend the length here. Maybe if you struggle, you can replay a level but there is a pretty bad problem, the solution to the puzzles is always the same. That’s understandable but man I want more because every single puzzle here is well designed.

    Pick this up if you love puzzle games. Each level here is well designed, giving an intense feeling, and a clock that is ever counting down, but it has reasonable puzzles, and you’ll consistently find revelations as you play. This is an easy recommendation for Game Pass, however, I'm not sure if you're considering buying the game yourself. I want to support the developers but I beat the entire game in 3 hours, and they’re asking 20 dollars for it, which feels a bit high. Still, I had a great time so maybe grab this one on sale.

    If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:
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    Kinglink2They are making DLC with two (supposidly) major DLCS, the first one will have 5 new rooms. Probably going to pick that up if it's not on Game Pass on Day 1. I want more!
    Posted by Kinglink2 On 09 Aug 22 at 09:31
    FejerMaybe something worth mentioning is that the game also supports 2-player multiplayer for both online and local split-screen.
    Posted by Fejer On 26 Sep 22 at 09:39
    BionicTriforceI'm about 7 puzzles in right now and yeah, there's been challenge and I think only one puzzle so far where I've been like "OH geez" and I think I was just overcomplicating things.
    Posted by BionicTriforce On 18 Jan at 05:12
  • BionicTriforceBionicTriforce740,183
    20 Jan 2023
    3 0 0
    I have genuinely not had so much fun playing a game in quite a while. Escape Academy is exactly what one would expect from the name. There are ten or so escape rooms that you have to go through and that's really it! But those rooms are filled with a wonderful variety of puzzles and intuitive solutions. I really think in all the puzzles there was only 1 where I had to use a hint, and it turned out I was overcomplicating things. That's a pretty rare feat for a puzzle game.

    There is a story built around the puzzles. While it's fun and Carmen Sandiego-levels of quirky, it is also pretty sparse. Despite being an entire Academy, we see one headmaster, three teachers, and a groundskeeper. And one other student. There's never really any indication that there's more that you don't see, so the academy feels super barebones, even if the brief glimpses we have of the faculty are pretty fun, but they don't do a lot.

    But the puzzles are the meat, and they're really great. Due to the nature of the game, replay value is limited as the solutions will be the same every time, though I suppose it'd be fun for speedruns. I could have easily used a guide to finish the game in 2 hours or less but I took nearly 6 solving the problems on my own and had a lot of fun doing it. You will need a pen and paper which I think adds to it, not everything is going to be handed to you.

    As an addendum, I think this game is so fun that I went and purchased the DLC just so I could have more puzzles to play. I play Xbox games so heavily for achievements and I bought more content even though it has no achievements, I think that says a lot.
  • MaceteurMaceteur740,459
    0 0 0 New
    This game is a gem. The developers have created a whole universe to satisfy us. It is revolutionary for its time since it is in 16K 240fps.

    The soundtrack is grandiose, worthy of the greatest. Berlioz and Chopin are rolling over in their graves.

    The gameplay is to die for. Not even Mario Galaxy comes close to it.

    $10 for 16 minutes, a long-term investment because the memories will be unforgettable.

    Spend time with his wife and children, why? Escape academy will fill us with happiness with its aura that pierces the screen.
    I quit my job to play it.
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